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Meet the Principal

Welcome to Meiklejohn Elementary School. I am Carrie Cornejo, the proud Principal of our amazing PK-5 school. As we begin our year together, we look forward to building a partnership with each of you as we engage in the important work of educating our children. As adults we honor collaboration, positive climate and culture, to push one another to take risks, and to fail forward. We believe we must innovate, create, and take risks to continue to be our best for our students. We invite you to ask questions, celebrate our successes, and engage in productive dialogue to support us in being the best school for students.

We have an open door policy and encourage questions, concerns, and compliments. We also ask you to have trust in us and understand we take our work and profession of educating our students very seriously. At Meiklejohn, we believe it takes our whole community to shape our youth and we ask for your support. We pick each other up when we fall down, we say sorry when we make mistakes, we presume the positive in one another, and will do everything it takes to be our best each day for your child. Please partner with us this year to continue to have Meiklejohn be a great place for all students to learn and grow. 

Meiklejohn Elementary has a proud history of excellence as we have high expectations for all students in academics, behavior, and respect to others. Meiklejohn is a community of learners engaging in opportunities for growth as critical and creative thinkers. We value relationships, teamwork, personal achievement, and a safe and supportive learning environment.

Parent input and participation is valued at Meiklejohn Elementary. We have a very active PTA that is involved in many school-wide activities and fundraising. Our Accountability Committee meets regularly and is one of the major decision-making bodies at Meiklejohn. Each school year, we have a Back to School Night to welcome our families, Curriculum Night to help families understand their student's academic year, and Family/Teacher Conferences to keep parents informed of their child’s progress. We also have an amazing Fall Carnival to support togetherness and a Parent University to involve our parents in our school learnings and growth. Our staff is eager to work with families for the benefit of their students.

My experience includes being a middle school teacher, elementary and middle school assistant principal, and an elementary principal. I believe all students can learn at a high level and it is our role to support their social, emotional, and academic well-being. I appreciate the whole-child aspects of our work and will support students in reaching their full potential.

I promise your child will be treated with respect and will be a valued member of our Meiklejohn community. I am committed to helping all children succeed and will support each child’s journey. I look forward to our time together and appreciate your support.

Carrie Cornejo