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Parent Teacher Association

Meiklejohn Parent Teacher Association (PTA)  

Meiklejohn PTA is the school’s largest fundraising entity. While the majority of our efforts are spent raising funds, our mission is to engage families, enhance school programs, and supply much needed educational supplies, equipment and technology. We foster our special Meiklejohn community and the wellbeing of our children by encouraging parent involvement through volunteering, supporting our teachers, and collaborating with school administrators.

Additionally, the PTA supports staff appreciation events, Mileage Club, the Fall Fest, Enrichment Programs, the Science Fair, Room Parents, the Garden Club and the Talent Show. When you become a member of the Meiklejohn PTA, your donation allows us to raise money for these very important programs and activities.

Meiklejohn PTA

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Spirit Wear

The Meiklejohn Spirit Wear store will not be open again before Field Day in May. We have a great new field day shirt design AND this year preschool will be joining field day! Please note that some classes have different shirt colors this year to help with the logistics on field day. The 2024 Field Day shirt colors are:

  • Preschool: Safety Yellow

  • Kindergarten: Purple

  • First Grade: Gray

  • Second Grade: Lime Green

  • Third Grade: Royal Blue

  • Fourth Grade: Bright Pink

  • Fifth Grade: Tie Dye